
Hey friends, welcome to YOLO DUDE! I’m Floris and I’m the guy behind YOLO DUDE. I’m originally from the Netherlands, and now live in Medellín, Colombia with my wife and our two boys.

With my 40th birthday coming up, I made a list of 40 things I want to do in my 40s, and to document all these experiences and memories, I created YOLO DUDE. I’m super excited to share this journey with you now and I hope this space becomes an inspiration and a gentle reminder to follow your dreams.

“Don’t let dreams be dreams.”
– Jack Johnson

The idea for YOLO DUDE initially sparked earlier this year. The story starts a couple of years before when I closed down my design studio to go on a sabbatical with my family. During that time I discovered a passion for content creation, which led me to create several successful YouTube channels, including The Quiz Channel and The Quiz Show.

I was able to build a work life I love around content creation, with incredible freedom. But as the YouTube success grew, something changed. What had started as a for fun project and turned into an opportunity to go full-time as a content creator, evolved into obsessing over view counts, subscribers, and revenue, in an endless pursuit of the next big video and more ‘success’. I lost the fun and felt suffocated.

So, I took a big step back and took time to reconnect with myself, with my bigger picture, with what makes me happy and what I want in life. In that process, I started to make a list of things I’ve been wanting to do. My dream projects. It became a visualisation exercise, in which I was designing the life of my dreams. I collaborated with the illustrator Juugend, who brought the 40 dream projects to life in 40 beautiful artworks, and here we are.

My aim with YOLO DUDE is to have as much fun as I can with my dream projects, and if in the process YOLO DUDE can spark the inspiration of others to pursue their own ideas and dreams, that would be super cool. Anything is possible as long as we’re willing to take a chance and go for it. And I think we should. In the end, as cliché as it may sound, you only live once.

Thanks for being a part of this journey!